25 September 2008

Menu for iftar

Sudddenly have the urge to blog again. Since we are now into the 25th day of Ramdhan, I plan to cook for iftar today.
Today menu will include dhall curry for mutton. This is especially prepared for my father since he cannot take other type of meat and seafood except big fish with white meat an egg yolk. according to blood test recently,his allergen level is very high. But sometimes I do allow him to take some chicken or red meat. Kesian gak tengok dia. He is the fuss free, eat anything as long as it is halal and clean type of person. Kira tak cerewet lah and will eat heartily. So much that even my mon i n law commented that seronok tengok tok bah makan, kita yang masak ni pun rasa hilang penat memasak...
Okay, back to my iftar menu. I plan to cook nasi beryani using ready mix Beryani spice from Adami brand. Specially brought from Muar by my colleague. Will match it beryani chicken, also courtesy of Adami spice. Will toss some salad with bottled salad dressing for veggies.

Dessert will be bread and butter pudding and some fruits. Drinks will either be Ribena ( ikut tekak Anis) or Sunquick orange plus home made syrup ( tekak bapak dia) or ice limau kasturi tea ( tekak bapak dia jugak).
Yg kecik kecik tu, asal ada ais, semua habis....hahah...


It has been nearly a year swince I last updated this blog. Not that it matter to anyone, since I have zero reader and junk comments. A lot of things have in a span of one year. Sad things, happy things.

I lost my mom due to kidney failure in July. That's one of my life indescribable moment. Nothing can prepare me to face such a situation. I had a missed miscarriage two months earlier i.e. in May, and I was already down by then. But Allah worked in mysterious ways. He gave a small dugaan to prepare me for a bigger one. He must know that I don't have that much strength built in me.

The reason that I suddenly update this blog is actually more of a wake up call. A colleague commented that I should have a blog since I know so much ( eh, ye ke Reen?). Know so much because part of my job involve doing research. Along with doing the actual job of doing research related to my job ( e.g telecommunications industry updates etc), a lot of informal research is also being done. Termasuklah mencari resipi and what nots. Maybe that's why I 'know a lot'.

This morning, another colleague also commented the same thing when she sought my opinion She said that I should be give a forum or platform just to talk....he heh...thanks Kana, I consider that as a compliment.

Anyway, I hope I will be more active in the blogging world after this. Even if it is not for the benefit of others, maybe just for my pleasure.