29 December 2005

P S Boutique

Went to this place, popularly known as P S Boutique among KLites yesterday with Dz. Bought 5 handbags, 3 purses and one travelling case at lightning speed i.e.less than an hour ( during lunch time maa...). Why the reckless shopping? you might ask ( or might not, but all the same, kepoh to know ;-) ). It was because I was shopping using my biras's money. Actually, she deposited some money into my account and asked me to buy some handbags for her.

I went shopping twice at the same place last week. Once, to buy things for her and the other trip, to buy some gift for my bro in law's family. On the first trip, I bought 3 handbags for my biras, another bag for my mom n a purse for myself. Tina , who accompanied me , also bought a purse.

P.S is a shopping haven for all things fake, imitation, counterfeit, pirated...you name it. I'm not promoting ( hence only initials of the place) but if you have some spare ringgit n bored of shopping malls, then come here. It has all type of bags that can be offered...handbags, slingbags, document bags, laptops bags, trolley, travelling bag etc...with all the famous brand names and quite good quality and most importantly, affordable prices. It offered watches, tshirts, pants, blouses, ties, belts, shoes,scarves, pashmina, fragrances, cd and dvds and a lot of food unconsumable by Moslems.

I took pictures of the bags and showed it to my colleagues. Now, they are begging me to go with them to P.S because ' engko pandai tawar, bolehlah temankan aku....or...engko dah tau kedai mane murah....or....engko pandai pilih...or ...orang kedai tu dah kenal engko'...excuse me, bila lak masa aku berkenalan dgn cina2 p s ni...bodek masa nak beli aje tau...

Anyway, Zaya ( that's my biras yang ordered the handbags....ewah..ordered ) called me thrice today. Excited giler makcik tu. She was happy with first batch I bought her last week and now, could not wait for this batch. She, herself said ' makan beg ajelah aku bulan ni.' But I think that this is better than splurging RM135 on the handbag bought in Plaza Shah Alam for which I bought another one for her in PS for less than RM50.

Will arrange shipment of the bags for her tomorrow. Contemplating on another trip to P.S. today...hmm...hmm...got some unfinished business to do ;-)

27 December 2005

Anis's kindy registration day

Pictured here is Anis after we registered to a kindergarten near our home. She was crying in the photo studio and I had to stand next to her when this picture was taken. Hence, tear stained face you see...

The class is an 8.30am to 11.30am session with subjects like English, Malay, Moral,Computer, Science but I guess the teachers will have to do a lot of of singing and story telling to keep the children sitting still during those lesson.
The class teacher is Cikgu Idah ( Zabedah) with Cikgu Korsiah as assistant teacher ( I guess she's the one who will accompany the children to the restroom while Cikgu Idah is busy teaching).

The student population will be 22 per class with a fair mix of both gender. Anis insists on not trying the baju kurung and gown which are the girl's uniforms but instead wanted to try on the blue pants and yellow shirt, which are for the boys.
I imagine that it will be a hard day to persuade her when the uniform actually arrives sometime in January. In the meantime, the children will dress smart and casual to school.

The van driver is Kak Anom or Makcik Anom to the children. I have yet to meet her but I've seen her driving her yellow van around in my neighborhood. Anis have to wake up pretty early ( by her standard) to catch the van.

In the meantime, I let her sleep late this morning. Soon, it will be the start of her 2 kindy years, 6 primary schooling years, 5 secondary schooling years and many,many years of higher education , InsyaAllah. My emergency caesarian-sect firstborn is now officially a schoolgirl... sigh...

22 December 2005

Allah Knows Best

Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows that there must be rain
We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our heart would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm
And the sharp of the chisel
Give the marble - grace and form

Allah never hurts us needlessly
And He never wastes our pain
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain...
And when we count the blessings
That Allah has so freely sent
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament

For Allah loves us all
And to Him all things are plain
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul's deep need is pain
So whenever we are troubled
And when everything is wrong
It is just Allah working in us
To make our spirit strong...

I copied this from one yahoogroup I joined. I pasted it on my cubicle for quite some time and thought it would be nice to share it with others...

Picnic at Ulu Yam

Here are some of the pictures taken during our last picnic at at Ulu Yam. Brought Sarimah's children, Angah n Fiqah along with us. Made nasi ayam and fried the compulsory nuggets, fries etc . Chips and fruits were bought along the way. Didn't remember the exact date we went there but it must be way back before May 2005, because Bibik Darkini went back for good at the end of May. She's in the picture, wearing the blue tudung and white tshirt handling the wet children. I was mostly on the dry ground, handling the food and the hungry people. Didn't stay dry till the end though, because it rained heavily and we went scampering into our car, wet children and all. Tiring but fun...

Home entertainment

Bought 2 pirated vcds today, courtesy of Jeff , our regular vcd peddler. He was formerly a staff with our organisation but took vss a couple of years. I never got round to asking what he really did for a living nowadays, but he's always at our office, lunging around his big black bag, containing loads of vcds and dvds. There's always a new movie title, a new song album or new cartoons , and every time he came round, we became poorer by RM 5 minimum. During the last Raya, he supplied kuih raya and also 'bahan letupan' a.k.a. mercun ( fireworks) of all sorts. Kalau kena tangkap ni, masak ngko jep...

I bought Narnia and The March of the Penguins. Narnia received rave reviews from those who watched it. The March of the Penguins is actually a documentary by some French guy. It was fashioned into a movie, complete with a story line and all. I read about in the papers and decided to buy it.

Tina bought King Kong. Told her that Azah went to the premier screening and thought it was boring. It was nearly 3 hours long and I'm not about to let my children watch some 'orang utan'' broke loose for that long period without my supervision. I have become some sort of Lembaga Penapisan Filem or film screening board for my children. Babah never bothered to watch any of the vcds anyway, maybe because he hardly or easier said, never bought vcd for the children. So the onus felt on me to ensure that those vcds bought is suitable for the children.

The latest Harry Potter was hard to explain to Anis. So after watching it together with Anis for the first time, I hid it away from her. The other Barneys, Teletubbies, nasheeds, doa with children nasheed group, a lot of Shreks, Madagascars , Barbies, Disneys etc. are scrambled in the drawer under the tv cabinet. But I resctricted to only 1 2hr long vcd or 2 short cds per day.
Anis used to watch Barbie everyday until the young ones and Bibik got bored. Nowadays, tv is usually the morning kids' show ( Sesame Street, Pingu, Dora the Explorer etc) while vcd is played once a while .

At night, Anis is hooked to Puteri, Natasha, Impian Ilyana and Trio, those sitcom or drama with pretty girls as the main cast. I , personally do not approve of the way those girls dress and do not find hard to explain to Anis why we should not emulate. She hates gowns and skirts and recently banishes sleeveless shirts from her wardrobe. Although she still wears shorts at home, she prefers long pants or jeans when we go out. Hmm...guess all those skirts and gowns will go to Aina then....

03 December 2005

Selamat Pengantin Baru Ishraff and Bany

Bang Long selamat dinikahkan after zohor prayers at the masjid in Bany's kampung. For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the kampung although I remembered correctly it has something to do with elephant and is situated in Pokok Sena , Kedah. I think it started with Kampung Gajah something something...

After that, we went to the bride's place for the wedding feasts. Babah officially become the unofficial videographer cum photographer while I was busy grabbing the twins from plodding straight into the mud. It rained heavily a day before the feast and the jalan kampung became a little muddy by the side and evolved into a large muddy patch by the time all the orang kampung joined for the feast. All the adults tried hard at all cost to avoid the jalan lecak while these kids tried very hard to get into them...letih tul budak bandar nie...

The feast is typical kampung dishes which we hardly see nowadays in KL. There is a choice of nasi putih and nasi minyak . The lauk consists of acar, ayam masak merah, kerabu taugeh plus kerang, gulai kerbau ( I think or is it plain daging lembu?) and one or two other lauks. There is also one lauk that my biras said is made of batang pisang or is it pisang muda made into masak lemak. Didn't have the time to analyse the ingredients of each lauk as Anis is acting up, not wanting to eat while Aina is eager to sweep every on the table into her mouth. Aiman is with Bibik. Babah was busy trying to accomodate the rest of the groom's delegates who wanted the best possible angle of them posing with the newlyweds.

It was a simple affair, but one that is rarely seen in KL or even in my 'kampung' , JB. All the kampong folks joined in the 'gotong royong'. There was no catering whatsoever. The dishes was served ala carte and not the usual buffet style. The bunga telor was given to all adult attendees while children received sweets. We, however, as the groom's delegate received goodie bags and the bunga pahar. All in all, we were tired but happy that all ends well.

In Shah Alam....now that's another story...

21 November 2005

Bunga pahar Bang Long

Went to Bunga Reben in Jalan TAR today. A last minute decision for me to order the bunga pahar for Bang Long's wedding. Actually, me and hubby has decided that it is better for me to go and order without waiting for Kak as the wedding is less than 3 weeks away. Waiting for Kak to come down to KL from Shah Alam , just to get her endorsement on the design of the bunga pahar may end up with no bunga pahar on pelamin at all. Poor Bang Long and Bany.

Granted that Kak is very hard to please and also very picky ( ...make sure it is golden brown with lots of brown and not golden yellow like the one we saw earlier....make sure it is very bushy, with lots of ribbon around....make sure it looked expensive.....i wanted the one with the bunga lalang but with different type of colour scheme....and make sure it is not golden yellow), my decision on to go ahead ordering the bunga pahar without her viewing it first, would akin to putting my head on a chopping block.

But a caveat, if I don't do this by today, there will be no bunga pahar at all...ok, she said yes , go ahead but I want to add some more ribbon.

I went, I saw, and I ordered. Without additional ribbons whatsoever. But with bunga lalang, bunga manik, bunga net and lots of ribbon already thrown in.

But if you want more ribbons added, it will take a month to fulfill the order, the sales girl said. So I just ordered as the sample design which to me, look rich and expensive enough as any bunga pahar can get.
The cost RM4.80 per stalk, and for 106 stalks, it will burn half a thousand away...but I believed it will make a couple of newly weds very happy.

17 November 2005

Makan makan session

Mami n Ah is coming down from JB today. They will stop by Ucu's place in Seremban and together they will convoy to Cik Zain's place in Banting, Umi's place in Port Klang and visit Ami's grave and swing by to my place much later.

Cannot join them due to today is a working day. On the way, they will picked Elin in Serdang and Bob from his hostel in UM. So, what to cook for them? Surely they will have rice n all sorts of lauk in Cik Zain's place.

So last minute thought, fried macaroni and beehoon n trifle will do. So, went to Ampang Park during lunch time to shop for the items.

Called Sarimah and Kak Lin and invite them to join. Sarimah's open house is tomorrow night while Kak Lin's will be on Monday night. I don't think that I have the energy to organise another cook out for them and it is better to ask them to join tonight. And my dear next door neighbour, Kak Wahidah is also invited in a last minute after thought, as I don't want to left her out. After all, she will hear all the commotion and smell from my kitchen.

And,ah yes, Cik Nor who came all the way from Trengganu, to send his daughter and newborn cucu to their place in Wangsa Maju. Since he's going back to Trengganu on Saturday, invited him and the whole family. And they came,brand new baby and all, in fact they are the first to arrive.

Sarimah arrived later, complete with Cik Nana and Wan, Kak Lin with hubby and 3 girls. So the place became a bit cramped.

When my aunties, uncle and cousins arrived later, the place really heat up. Eh, eh jadik macam open house although it was not our real intention. It was just more of a makan-makan session with families and friends.

The kuih raya really does their round, and so did the muruku and ketumpi. I have to cook another batch of macaroni and 2 batches of meehoon. Bibik fried the keropok and we served orang cordial and hot tea.

Remind me to buy more glasses the next time I do my shopping. There is not enough glasess to go around and some of them resorted to drink the cordial from teacup....hmmmm.

By 10pm , everyone has left and Bibik cleared the mess. Babah swept the place. I broke my fast earlier with plain water and sat down to have my proper dinner.

The kids...well, the kids got lots of duit raya and they were also stuffed with prohibited food and drinks ( read: iced cold orange cordial , sweet kuih raya n lots of muruku n rempeyek).
They were past their bedtime but none appear sleepy. In fact they were most excited with lot of guests . I forced all of them to shut their little eyes at a little past 11pm....mak pun tertidor gak...

13 November 2005

Kak - Wedding plans (1)

Bang Long is getting married soon, in fact in less than a month's time. Bang Long is Kak's first born and Kak is hubby's eldest sister. So, Bang Long is the first nephew and the first cucu ( grandchild) of the clan whom is getting married. So you can imagine Kak's situation now. His first son is getting married, her husband is down with a stroke, her second maid is not coming back, her first daughter is at college. She is forced to handle her household chores with her first maid handling al the cooking and washing, ran her business with the helpof her second son, managed her husband's health ( proper diet, exercise, mediacton and all), monitor her children's studies ( Silah in UTM first year diploma, Fifah sat for her PMR, Kael still doing his hafiz up north in Kedah) and now preparing for the wedding. And she is doing this all ALONE...super woman indeed.

Granted that she is quite a difficult woman to please but she is very friendly all the same. She is just like a kakak ( sister ) to me as I have no kakak of my own. She is very supportive and concerned about her brood and closest family well being. She was there when I was in the labour room, pushing hard for my Anis to come out. Although I have to be c-sec d later, she waited throughout the operation.

She left her paralysed husband at home, just to visit me, on the birth of my twins.
She called me, hearing me ranting out on any displeasures or disagreement between me and hubby. She is a very good listener, adviser, a mother figure and sister figure rolled into one.

And now, she is in such a frantic state. Preparing for any wedding is a daunting task in its own. Now, Kak, as every mother would be, wanted the wedding to be as perfect as it could.
Me and hubby, advised her to slow down, as we dont' want her to collapse from all the work. We offered to her in every possible way that we could. I showed her all the places that I went to when I was preparing my own wedding. Volunteered to introduce her to wedding card supplier, tailor , arrange for the transportation and accomodations.

She wanted to give bunga telur, chocolates, potpourri, cakes ect to the guest. All of those have to be prepared beforehand.And she is quite shorthanded and she wanted to oversee everything herself.The catering, the kenduri tent, the pelamin and wedding gear and 1001 things that have to be settled.

We went to her place yesterday, slept overnight and went through all the wedding preparations with her. She seemed calmer after talking it out with us.

I prayed that everything will run smoothly. Will update more on the wedding later.

09 November 2005

Maman fell down

Reached home from the office about 6.45pm. Opened the gate for hubby and no sooner than hubby parked his bike, Bibik squealed from the door...Aiman jatuh tadi, kepalanya berdarah sikit ( Aiman fell down just now, his head bleeds a bit)
Huh! Bila tadi tu? Pukul 5.30 tadi. Pukul 5.30 tadi sekarang baru kamu bagi tahu!)
( When did it happen? Around 5.30pm just now. 5.30pm and only now you informed us!)

Checked Aiman's head and Ya Allah, bengkak kepala anak aku, berdarah kat dua tempat lak tu.
Apsal lah pompuan ni tak bagi tahu awal2...asked her why she did'nt call either one of us to inform, she replied ' dia menangis sikit aje..' ( He only cried a little) Pompuan ni really make my blood boiled ....nak suruh budak tu menangis bersungguh2 kesakitan baru nak dia inform kot. It's not that she do not how to use the phone, she called me and hubby several times before. All of them on petty matters, but things like this happened, she did't call us.

Straight away took Aiman to the nearest clinic. Aina n Anis tagged along. The GP tended to Aiman and said that there is nothing that they can do at the clinic, she have to refer Aiman to a hospital where he can be x-rayed. Ya Allah, lagi sekali berderau darah aku, is it that bad? The GP said that it is a precautinary measure as we cannot see if there is crack or bleeding inside.
Got the refer letter and went to Tawakal. Registered into the Emergency Room.

The nurse cleaned his wound. She sprayed and put some gauze but it wouln't stick due to the thick hair. So she put on a net- like head cover over Aiman's head. Aiman stayed stiff all this while but once the nurse was gone, his hands tugged at the head cover and it went off.
The doctor exained hima and called the radiologist. As Aiman is very active and did not vomit or anything, he did'nt expect anything serious, but ordered an x-ray anyway.

By this time, Aina n Anis is quite cranky, maybe due to hungriness, It is nearly 8.30pm and they haven't had their dinner. So left Aiman with his father, while I tended to to the two princesses. Brought them to Haslam and have our dinner there.

A little later, hubby and Aiman joined us. Alhamdulillah, there is nothing to be worried about.
The doctor prescribed antibiotic for his wound and some medication for his flu. Went back around 9pm something. Penat ooiii...

Reached home and give a pep talk to Bibik. If something like this happens again, if the head, the eyes, the nose and stomach bleed, call us immediately. Do not wait!

Baik Bukk...

My Raya Adventure

Just came back from a loong raya break today....aiyoohhh...seems the office has turned to a ghost office...nobody around, except for a couple of KLites who have no kampungs to go back to. Pity them.

Ton bragged of having the whole of KL to herself. She said they can even have picnic on the road during this festive period. Kesian ngko ton, nak piknik tengah jalan, orang lain sibuk2 balik kampung, itulah pasal, carik lagi orang KL..keh keh keh.

( Pictured here are the twins in their baju raya at MIL's house on the morning of first raya. Anis didn't join in as she was hiding behind the curtain> She was forced to wear her baju kurung and didn't like it)

For me and the brood, we touched down in KLIA last night after 1/2 hour flight from JB. Hubby has to leave us there because he came back earlier due to no leave. Spent the first half of raya in Dungun and travelled back to JB on 2nd day of rata. We reached my parents' place after almost 11 hours journey....whew, how did we managed that with 3 children aged 4 years old and below in tow. Itulah bahana carik orang jauh..keh keh keh...

14 July 2005

Had lasagna for lunch today at City Cafe with my colleague. Actually, I was accompanying her to meet her childhood friend for lunch. It seemed that the childhood friend is a full time unit trust agent after working for central bank for 11 years.

Read in a newspaper somewhere a few days ago, about these two twenty somethings women, each driving a Beemer, after dabbling in this unit trust thing.....well that certainly got me interested..

It seems that you have to go through a special exam to qualify for licence an agent and another internal exam with the financial institutions you are affiliated with. It costs RM268 for both exams. The commission ; 3 % for anything above RM100,000, lesser commission for lesser amount ( e.g 2.75% for RM70,000 or something like that.)

My colleague already went though the special exam and already had a licenc, but the licence has already expired. She needs to renew it and go through the internal exam with the financial institutions. The exam is more on product knowledege and things like that.

I heard a lot of succcess stories throughout lunch. The childhood friend has gone on numerous overseas trip as incentives and is looking for another property within KL after building her dream home in Bangi.

Well, me....do I think that I have what it needs to be successful in this line? Am certainly interested to try, but convincing people to part with their life savings or EPF to invest in units trusts certainly requires lot more than interest...hmmm hmmm some things to ponder over the weekend....

04 July 2005

Facial stroke

Is it possible to have stroke attack only at the facial area? My mom just told me that my dad cant's control his left side of his face. It seemd that his eye bow, cheeks and lips are drooping. And he can't eat or drink properly.

Will bring him to a nearby clinic and afterwards to an urut session somewhere in Melaka. Will post update later.

03 July 2005

Anis jatuh basikal!!

Anis received a brand new lime green bicycle from Baba as her 4th birthday present. My mom gave her RM100 which Baba went and invest into ASP. I bought her 2 birthday cakes already, one pre birthday and one post birthday.

The bicycle is a 4 wheeler with 2 main wheel and 2 supporting wheels as Anis is still an L licence holder.......but she rides on it proudly in front of the house, as if to show the neighbour kids....hey, look here...I'm one of the big kids, I have my own bike...

The fateful fall happen when she was showing off to her cousins. She can't controlled the bike as it went down the slope in front of my house and went right smack into the front gate. I was in kitchen at the time, when I heard loud shrieks and scream....I thought ..hmmm biaselah bebudak ni main, sure ade yang menangis punya....when I heard...eh lain macam aje Anis ni nangis, as if in great pain.

When I dashed forward, I fell fainting when I saw blood streaming down her face , all over her dress. Blood flow non stop from her nose and when someone suggested that it might be broken, I felt like going hysterical....

Fortunately, sis in law and my mom was there to calm thing down. Brought some ice to stop the blood from flowing and Baba sent her to clinic. Changed her dress before going, as the dress was smeared with blood.

Fortunately, nothing was broken. Her upper lips suffered some gash. Her forehead and nose was swollen black blue. Other than that, everything was normal. In fact she was chatting normally to every one as she was excited to cut her Barbie cake ( her post birthday cake).

Her friends next door, Sasha, Ifa, Niza along with auntie Wahidah came, Mak Long, Bang Long, auntie Bani and kak Fifah was also present. Baba and Tok Bah just sat at the hall while Nana and Maman were trying to menyelit between the adults to catch a glimpse of kak Anis's cake. And Tok was nearly crying,seeing Anis is alright after the frightful fall. Will post a pic next time.

30 June 2005

Barbie Birthday Cake

I ordered a Barbie birthday cake for Anis through a cyber friend that I know from a yahoogroup. I also ordered diapers for the twins which are on sale from a cyber friend also from the yahoo groups.

Saves me the hassle and time to get these things from physical shops. And the goods are all attractively priced too...

Will get lazier to drive if every thing is available online...hmmmmm

What's for lunch?

That is our every day dilemma. Our here refers me and office colleagues stuck up her in Level 21. Our office is located in such a way that no proper established eating place would want to open a branch here. Of course, there is a few 'gerai' selling'nasi campur' n such but after hearing a few 'horror' stories, it is enough to put out our appetite.

For the past few weeks, we have been going out almost every day for lunch. Going out means driving your car or your friend's car to an eating place which are not reachable or not walking distance.

Another alternative is to go down to the cafe at Level 5 where by 1.00pm, only empty plastic containers awaits you. Although the official lunch time is 1.00 -2.00pm, but if you come downa later than 12.45pm, you have to settle for a long queue and satisfied with whatever lauk is left. The offerings is the same everyday and will get bored easily. There's not much choices.

Today, we went out and get MCDonald's at Jlan Pahang. Yesterday, we went for nasi ayam at the cafe. The day before that, the gang went to Anuar Tomyam in Kg Bahru while I had lunch with my parents at MZ near KL International Hotel.

So what's for lunch tomorrow?

24 June 2005

Happy 4th Birthday Anis Nabilah!
Happy 4th Birthday Anis!

Happy 4th Birthday to Anis Nabilah

My princess
Happy 4th Birthday Anis!

23 June 2005

My very own blog

Now that I have my very own blog, what I shouid I write it in? I used to read other people's blog and comments on it, but now that I have my own, suddenly there's nothing to write about.
Well, maybe for a start, I will blog on what happened in the office today.

The day start as usual. After a crazy rush with the kids at home, I reached the office just before 8.30am. Reached my level, and I remembered that my collegue told me, that the new boss is coming in today.
Yeah, our division have been operating without a boss for half a year. Look like our ' honeymoon' is over! sms from a colleague came in.

Maybe, that's something to look forward to today. Other than daily surfing of news for happenings in the industry, compiling materials for the monthly reports, finishing my long over due ad hoc assignment......

And then he came in, looks official enough in his suit although he is supposed to report for duty early next week, accompanied by the CFO. He went to 'salam' my colleague and they went straight to his new room. Well, not exactly 'new', as the room was occupied by our boss before.

The 4 of us, then inside, said our welcome, introduced ourselves. He extended his hand to ' salam' us but I hesitated a while. Will it create a bad impression on me if I refuse to salam him.....??? hmmmphh. But i salamed him anyway.

My first impression of him..... he looked like a cross between mat salleh, chinese and malay. And he speaks in British English, something that quite rare here in Malaysia, where a mix of English, Malay n Chinese rules...

Enough about the new boss, now back at home...Anis insisted on a blue coloured cake since it was her 4th birthday yeaterday and I have yet to scrounge around town to find a blue- coloured- cartoon- character- decorated birthay cake.

The twins is enjoying waking early morning and straight to the ' taman' ( neighbourhood playground) with Tok Bah ( my father), with their ' baju tidur' and wet diaper and all...

Hmm...mmm now another problem....what to cook this evening?