27 December 2005

Anis's kindy registration day

Pictured here is Anis after we registered to a kindergarten near our home. She was crying in the photo studio and I had to stand next to her when this picture was taken. Hence, tear stained face you see...

The class is an 8.30am to 11.30am session with subjects like English, Malay, Moral,Computer, Science but I guess the teachers will have to do a lot of of singing and story telling to keep the children sitting still during those lesson.
The class teacher is Cikgu Idah ( Zabedah) with Cikgu Korsiah as assistant teacher ( I guess she's the one who will accompany the children to the restroom while Cikgu Idah is busy teaching).

The student population will be 22 per class with a fair mix of both gender. Anis insists on not trying the baju kurung and gown which are the girl's uniforms but instead wanted to try on the blue pants and yellow shirt, which are for the boys.
I imagine that it will be a hard day to persuade her when the uniform actually arrives sometime in January. In the meantime, the children will dress smart and casual to school.

The van driver is Kak Anom or Makcik Anom to the children. I have yet to meet her but I've seen her driving her yellow van around in my neighborhood. Anis have to wake up pretty early ( by her standard) to catch the van.

In the meantime, I let her sleep late this morning. Soon, it will be the start of her 2 kindy years, 6 primary schooling years, 5 secondary schooling years and many,many years of higher education , InsyaAllah. My emergency caesarian-sect firstborn is now officially a schoolgirl... sigh...

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