05 January 2006

Amazing, isn't it

Do you know how someone can have her bath and yet sleep at the same time? Well, you should ask Anis because that was what she did for three days straight. On the first day of school, managed to coax her out of her bed ( tilam actually, didn't trust her enough to let her sleep on a bed, she would be under it in no time) at around 7.15am. Dragged her to the bathroam, peeled off her jammies and asked her to squat. Turned on the heater and washed her bottom, hair and body. Asked her to open her mouth to brush her teeth and saw that her eyes closely shut. She has been sleeping through her bath all this while. Washed her face, brushed her teeth, soaped her body, shampooed her body and there she was, no jumping or squealing like the usual bath times. Even Nana, who was standing at the bathroom door kept very quiet, as if she doesn't want to wake her sister up.

After I finished rinsing her and dried her up, dragged her to the bedroom to put on her clothes. After everything was done, asked her to wait at the sofa while I prepared her breakfast. She was fast asleep when Bibik came to fed her with some cereal and milk. After breakfast, I let her continue her sleep while I dressed. Babah left for work while the twins were busy feeding the cats at the back lane.

It was nearly 8.20 while school stars at 8.30am. Woke her up and rushed her to the car. Thankfully, we reached kindy in time.

Yesterday, Babah bathed her and I heard some tears shed. She must have been asleep again in the bathroom. This morning, the same routine, she slept through her bath. Amazing, isn't it?


simplyizzanworld said...


khekhkehe kids will always be kids kan kite ade la kalang kabot dorang rilek2 je

slamat tahun baru & slamat hari raya aidil-adha

ppsttt kita link awak bleh kan kan

Kak Pah said...

Boleh madamde, nak link ke apa ke....jangan hack sudah ;-)

Mak Iti, time mata segar mmg le mulut kecoh, ni time mata tak bukak...orang nak buat ape pun buat le...