29 April 2007

Langkawi...Here We Come!

Went to Langkawi with the whole brood for 4 days and 3 nights. Stayed at TM Resort throughout the stay,which is within jogging distance to Awana Porto Malai ( refer to map).Did some shopping,well a lot of shopping actually.Anis complained that she only want to go the bird park and cable cars, instead of being dragged around all over the island.Here's some pics of the vacation.

Kek Kembang Setaman

Baked a cake recently. With icing on top.Been years since I last baked a cake.Lot of years, in fact. And with icing on top? I think the last time I did that was when I was helping my mom baking to send to her relatives for Raya.Phew...that must be hundreds of years ago.Nowadays, she usually heads to the nearest Pasar tani Raya for her supplies oh kuih raya and cakes. Me too.
The children thought it must have been of their's birthdays. Well, I have to put the fact straight.Mak can also baked, you know.Other than Secret Recipe, other people also can bake.
Am not creative and never been since my school days.So I ended decorating the cake with flower garden.Hence, the name Kek Kembang Setaman i.e. Garden of Flowers Cake.It just an instant mix basic butter cake with icing.Anis commented the icing is too sweet.Jaga ko, esok besar Mak nak rasa Anis lak masak.....

12 April 2007

Kacang pool

I can't find this dish anywhere else except in my beloved hometown,Johor Bahru. My favourite dish that I missed so much .Kept scouring for the perfect recipe for this dish to satisfy my cravings but could'nt find one.Have a few variations of the recipe which I posted below. I usually stocked up ( in my tummy) everytime I went back to JB. I usually go for my fix of the dish at the stall in front of Restoran Faridah near the wet market in Kg Melayu.Another famous stall serving this dish at Medan Selera near the fire station in Larkin. But I usually go to Kg.Melayu because its nearer to my parents' home.

Found the recipe below in Johor State Govt. website. I think it has earned the repute of the state's signature dish.

Kacang Pool
Kacang parang 2 paket (direbus hingga lembut dan kulitnya dibuang) 5 ulas bawang merah 5 ulas bawang putih satu inci halia sedikit jintan manis sedikit garam
1) Bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan jintan manis dikisar halus.
2) Tumiskan bahan yang telah dikisarkan tadi dan bila naik bau masukkan kacang parang dan sedikit garam.
3) Hidangkan bersama telur mata sapi, bawang yang dicincang dan cili hijau.
4) Perahkan sedikit limau kasturi dan bubuh sedikit lada putih diatas sajian.
5) Di makan bersama roti peranchi atau roti potong yang dibakar(disapu mentega atau jem garlic bread)

Another recipe, given by the staff nurse at mom's dialysis centre.Thanks Alicia!
I copied it down word by word, as written.

1 tin kacang

11 April 2007

My kitchen

My kitchen can be considered Eric Leong's worst nightmare.You can't no interior decoration concept anywhere.But,with all its clutter, this is what that made it homely. The one I proudly called my home sweet home.....

Disney On Ice-Finding Nemo