12 April 2007

Kacang pool

I can't find this dish anywhere else except in my beloved hometown,Johor Bahru. My favourite dish that I missed so much .Kept scouring for the perfect recipe for this dish to satisfy my cravings but could'nt find one.Have a few variations of the recipe which I posted below. I usually stocked up ( in my tummy) everytime I went back to JB. I usually go for my fix of the dish at the stall in front of Restoran Faridah near the wet market in Kg Melayu.Another famous stall serving this dish at Medan Selera near the fire station in Larkin. But I usually go to Kg.Melayu because its nearer to my parents' home.

Found the recipe below in Johor State Govt. website. I think it has earned the repute of the state's signature dish.

Kacang Pool
Kacang parang 2 paket (direbus hingga lembut dan kulitnya dibuang) 5 ulas bawang merah 5 ulas bawang putih satu inci halia sedikit jintan manis sedikit garam
1) Bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan jintan manis dikisar halus.
2) Tumiskan bahan yang telah dikisarkan tadi dan bila naik bau masukkan kacang parang dan sedikit garam.
3) Hidangkan bersama telur mata sapi, bawang yang dicincang dan cili hijau.
4) Perahkan sedikit limau kasturi dan bubuh sedikit lada putih diatas sajian.
5) Di makan bersama roti peranchi atau roti potong yang dibakar(disapu mentega atau jem garlic bread)

Another recipe, given by the staff nurse at mom's dialysis centre.Thanks Alicia!
I copied it down word by word, as written.

1 tin kacang

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