03 December 2005

Selamat Pengantin Baru Ishraff and Bany

Bang Long selamat dinikahkan after zohor prayers at the masjid in Bany's kampung. For the life of me, I can't remember the name of the kampung although I remembered correctly it has something to do with elephant and is situated in Pokok Sena , Kedah. I think it started with Kampung Gajah something something...

After that, we went to the bride's place for the wedding feasts. Babah officially become the unofficial videographer cum photographer while I was busy grabbing the twins from plodding straight into the mud. It rained heavily a day before the feast and the jalan kampung became a little muddy by the side and evolved into a large muddy patch by the time all the orang kampung joined for the feast. All the adults tried hard at all cost to avoid the jalan lecak while these kids tried very hard to get into them...letih tul budak bandar nie...

The feast is typical kampung dishes which we hardly see nowadays in KL. There is a choice of nasi putih and nasi minyak . The lauk consists of acar, ayam masak merah, kerabu taugeh plus kerang, gulai kerbau ( I think or is it plain daging lembu?) and one or two other lauks. There is also one lauk that my biras said is made of batang pisang or is it pisang muda made into masak lemak. Didn't have the time to analyse the ingredients of each lauk as Anis is acting up, not wanting to eat while Aina is eager to sweep every on the table into her mouth. Aiman is with Bibik. Babah was busy trying to accomodate the rest of the groom's delegates who wanted the best possible angle of them posing with the newlyweds.

It was a simple affair, but one that is rarely seen in KL or even in my 'kampung' , JB. All the kampong folks joined in the 'gotong royong'. There was no catering whatsoever. The dishes was served ala carte and not the usual buffet style. The bunga telor was given to all adult attendees while children received sweets. We, however, as the groom's delegate received goodie bags and the bunga pahar. All in all, we were tired but happy that all ends well.

In Shah Alam....now that's another story...

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